
10/9/2024 (September 2024 Update)

  • Updated stats to September 2024 Update:
    • Balance Changes:
      • Earthquake Boots
      • Rage Gem
    • Supercharge Building:
      • Scattershot
      • Inferno Tower
      • X-Bow
      • Hidden Tesla
      • Builder's Hut
      • Mortar
* Note: I've decided to treat supercharge levels (only level that increase a defense's HP) as actual levels because implementing the supercharge level system for it would require heavy redesign of the codes. And in the context of this website - where only defense HP is needed - it makes more sense to handle it this way, and later replace supercharge level with the new level when it come out.

26/8/2024 (June 2024 Update)

  • Website is completed and ready for testing with 2 main features:
    • Zapquake Calculator
    • Advance Calculator